Oh hi, I’m Gary!

and It’s my honor to help you Win in life biblically

My wife Pamela and I have been married for 44 years. We have four grown children and eleven grandchildren. I spent the first half of my career in business. At 43, I became pastor of a country church for 24 years in northern Illinois after getting a seminary degree. My study led me to see that the bible is a single story in which God directed people to live according to how things really are, rather than what sounds good. If they kept to that path, they would live long in peace and prosperity, even in the midst of enemies.

That story attracted attention.

Young men came to me wanting help to succeed in their careers while still being true to faith. In a world that thrives on short cuts, stealing credit, and deception, this is a challenge. But I was able to help them in biblical ways that is still bringing them honor and growing prosperity.

But it didn’t start out that way!   

Forty-five years ago I graduated from Bible College and went into sales. I had no clue what I was doing. Understanding the Bible theologically (sort of) didn’t equip me know how it’s principles would help me succeed in a world such as ours. Reading every sales book I could find, I learned how to sell effectively. But it would be years before I learned that lasting success is only possible when your singular focus is serving people well. Techniques will only produce what we desire when they aid that purpose.

And that’s exactly what Succeeding Biblically is all about.

The bible doesn’t guarantee health and wealth. Sin and rebellion like a hail storm does sometimes destroy the wheat field. But normally, the way of wisdom the whole story the bible is telling will produce a harvest of health, honor and prosperity. The reason? Simply because planting and harvesting are how God designed the world to work. The bible will show you what to plant, how to plant it, how to cultivate and water it, and eventually bring in an abundant harvest, if you understand it as the bible itself intends. I can help with that.

If you want character that wins both now and forever, download my free checklist below